Counseling Services

Couples & Family
Relationship Issues
Grief and Loss
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Parenting Support
Stress Management

Plant background

Parenting The Blended Family

A blended family is a family consisting of a couple and their children from this and all previous relationships.

“I don’t know what to do anymore,” said Jill, stepmother to two teen girls and mom to one biological son, aged 10. “My stepdaughters don’t respect me—I’m the ‘evil stepmother’ to them—and pretty much ignore whatever I say. And my son is constantly telling me that my husband isn’t fair, and that he treats him differently than he treats his two girls. Sometimes I get so exhausted by the whole thing I just want to get up and leave.”

The kids may never blend the way you want them to, or they may blend wonderfully. But know this: the people who really have to blend are the parents.

  • Recognize the differences between the stepfamily and the nuclear family
  • Identify the myths and expectations surrounding stepfamilies
  • Acknowledge the stages stepfamilies go through
  • Understand the changes in the relationships and roles as a result of remarriage
  • Examine the role of the stepparent
  • Identify issues common to adults and children living in stepfamilies
  • Learn how to handle the conflicts most common to stepfamilies
  • Assist parents in creating a positive stepfamily atmosphere

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