Counseling Services

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Plant background

Alcohol and Drug Counseling

About Addiction

Addiction is a chronic but treatable disorder. People who are addicted can't control their need for alcohol or drugs even when faced with negative health, relationship,work or legal consequences.

Substance Abuse Evaluations

Frank conducts a thorough discussion with you and administers a very widely accepted, reliable test to determine if a drug and/or alcohol abuse problem exists. If it does, he will also determine the level of severity. Together you will develop a plan of action to address the appropriate level of therapy needed, if any.

Alcohol and Drug Counseling

An outpatient program, treatment offers personal and confidential counseling for individuals dealing with addiction. Counseling for family members of individuals who are abusing chemical substances is also available, even if the abuser him/herself is not currently in treatment.

*Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Prevention Counseling

Our DWI counseling program can be applied in your life whether you want to quit or just cut down on your drinking. It is designed to help you not to drive while intoxicated.

Frank is licensed by the State of Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TACADA) as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC).

Helpful Forms

Click here to view and print forms for your appointment.

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